God's New Revelations

The Pre­paration

How God Prepares Us

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- Chapter 1455 -


Tuesday, October 21, 2024

Message from October 16, 2024

John: My child. I do not bring good news.

Tell the children, they must be ready. Those who continue to sleep will have a cruel awakening! Tell the children, because it is high time.

Mary Magdalene: My child. The children are not changing, but you can ALL see what is happening!

John: And you see only a fraction of what is really breaking loose!

Jesus: Have courage, pray and find Me. A soul that is with Me, their Jesus, will not be lost.

John: Wake up, beloved children, wake up! Your countries are flooded with what the devil has planned to achieve his goals!

Mary Magdalene: Awaken, beloved children, awaken! I , your Mary Magdalene, see with concern (to) how you naively rush into your ruin!

Jesus: Do not trust the evil one, those who have entered into a pact with the devil and his henchmen, but open your eyes, your mind and act!

John: The intrigue is great , My children, it is so great, and insidious and cunning laws for a new world order are being implemented that no one has voted for!

Mary Magdalene: Be on your guard , beloved children, that you are! Be on your guard!

The evil one is marching with giant strides towards his one-world government and one-world religion, and you are not stopping him because you are not paying attention, because you are lazy and lukewarm, because you prefer comfort, because you are giving up your freedom of choice (Note: by doing nothing), ( B) because you trust blindly, because you want to remain trapped in your worldly well-being – the list is long and it is ugly, My children, it is full of excuses and distractions, and you live in an unreal bubble that you have created yourselves, which will burst in a very short time!

John: Children, children, be warned, for Mary Magdalene speaks the true word! We are very concerned about you!

The Father, God, the Most High, does so much for you, but you remain comfortable and lukewarm and do not listen to His word.

Look where you are, and see what is happening in your world!

Jesus: We have warned you, beloved children that you are, but you would rather rush to your doom than listen to Our Word and prepare yourselves.

I, your Jesus, am very worried about you!

You must take the path to Me, give Me your YES, so that I can help and save you.

My Holy Spirit will keep you in clarity and grant it to those who begin to pray and plead to Him!

Whoever does not ask for the Holy Spirit will not see clearly, and his soul will soon be lost.

Mother of God: Beloved children, repent. I, your Mother in Heaven, ask you to do so. Amen.

Yours and your Jesus, John and Mary Magdalene. Amen.

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