God's New Revelations

The Pre­paration

How God Prepares Us

- Chapter 1452 -

Make Amends!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Message from October 4, 2024

Bonaventure: My child. Dark times await you, your Earth, but never despair, for the Father keeps His promises, and for all children who remain loyal and devoted to Him and His Son, He WILL provide!

Tell the children that the time has come when everything they have held on to will be lost and perish.

Jesus: No child who hopes in humanity, no child who is not with Me, his Jesus, and no child who is caught up in earthly things will survive this time! So tell the children that it is five to twelve, and that My Father, God, the Most High, your Father in Heaven, is very concerned about His children, about you, beloved children, who you are.

Bonaventura, Our Lady and an angel of the Lord: So repent before it is too late, because once it has struck 12, everything will happen so quickly that you will have no time for repentance, reflection and realization!

Jesus: Time is advanced, and only your return to Me, to your Jesus, will save you from the decline and the fall into the hellish realm of evil. Only your return to Me, beloved children.

An Angel of the Lord: Choose well, because whoever does not choose Jesus, whoever remains lukewarm, whoever does not convert and turn back, will be lost and no one, I repeat, no one will be able to save him from the devil's kingdom of hell, beloved children, that you are.

Bonaventure: That is why your conversion is so important!

Bonaventure and Our Lady: Find the Lord , Jesus Christ, because only He is the Way and the Truth , only with Him will you receive the Father's promises, only with Him will you enter into His New Kingdom, which is ready for all those of you who truly and honestly remain loyal to My Son, Jesus.

Bonaventura: Children, children, a terrible time will begin, and no one, I repeat, no one will be spared the evils, the tribulations, the hardship and the purifying and chastising hand of the Father.

Bonaventura and Jesus: The devil has only a short time left, and he knows it.

So use the time before it comes thick and fast to pray, to convert and to beg the Father, God, the Most High, for forgiveness for all the sins committed in your world!

Make reparation through prayer and penance, through sacrifices, through pilgrimages, which you should offer for the good of God's children!

It is important, My children, because so many have gone astray and no one makes reparation for their sins and outrages.

Our Lady and an Angel of the Lord: Listen to what Jesus, (My Son), says and make reparation for the world in which you live!

Jesus: The devil rages, beloved children, and I, your Jesus, watch in dismay as more and more children turn away from Me, from the Father and from the way to glory and the New Kingdom.

Mother of God: It is terrible to see how few stand firm, and yet We are consoled by the children who make reparation.

God the Father: Beloved children, you are. I, your Father in Heaven, tell you today that 'Heaven' is dismayed at what you are allowing to happen, at what is happening, at the apostasy, the displeasure, the injustice, the defamation, the blasphemy - the list is long, beloved children, it is so long...

Jesus: You must convert and find the way to Me, to your Jesus, because this world will pass away, and only those who are loyal and devoted to Me will find entry into the new, beautiful world that My Father has prepared for you with the greatest love, and whose gates will soon, very soon, open for all children who are truly loyal to Me.

An Angel of the Lord: Children, children, be warned, because when the New Kingdom opens its gates, only those who are with Jesus will find admission!

Mother of God: So find My Son, convert, pray. This is the only way not to be lost to the devil. Amen.

God the Father: My Holy Angels are sent to defend all those who are with Jesus.

Bonaventura: So pray and beg for protection and guidance and make reparation for all who have gone astray. Amen.

With deep love,

Your Bonaventura, an angel of the Lord, the Mother of God, Jesus and God the Father. Amen.

The time has come! Make reparation. Amen.