God's New Revelations

The Book of Psalms

Unlocked Dynamic Bible :: World English Bible Catholic

- Chapter 70 -

Make haste, O Lord, to help me

(Psalm 40:1-17; Psalm 141:1-10)
God, please save me! Yahweh, come quickly to help me!
Disgrace those who are happy about my troubles, those who are trying to kill me. Chase them away; make everyone shame them, for they want to see me suffer.
I hope that you will cause them to become dismayed and ashamed because they have been happy about my troubles.
But I hope that everyone who prays to you will rejoice because of you. I hope that everyone who waits for you to rescue them will say, “God is great!”
As for me, I am poor and needy; so God, come quickly to help me! Yahweh, you are the one who saves and helps me, so please come quickly!

Make haste, O Lord, to help me

(Psalm 40:1-17; Psalm 141:1-10)
Hurry, God, to deliver me. Come quickly to help me, LORD.
Let them be disappointed and confounded who seek my soul. Let those who desire my ruin be turned back in disgrace.
Let them be turned because of their shame who say, “Aha! Aha!”
Let all those who seek you rejoice and be glad in you. Let those who love your salvation continually say,Let God be exalted!”
But I am poor and needy. Come to me quickly, God. You are my help and my deliverer. LORD, don’t delay.