God's New Revelations

The Book of Psalms

Unlocked Dynamic Bible 2018

- Chapter 38 -

Do not rebuke me in your anger

(Psalm 6:1-10)
Yahweh, when you are angry with me, do not rebuke me and punish me!
Now it is as though you have shot your arrows at me and wounded me; it is as though you have struck me and knocked me down.
Because you have been angry with me, I am suffering great pain. Because of my sin, my whole body is diseased.
All my sins are like a flood that covers my head; they are like a load that is very heavy; I cannot carry them.
Because I have done foolish things, I have sores that have become worse, and they stink.
Sometimes I am bent over, and sometimes I lie prostrate; I mourn all day.
My body is burning with fever, and I am very ill.
I am completely exhausted, and I have no strength. I am very distressed in my inner being, and I groan with pain.
Yahweh, you know that I desire you to heal me; you hear me while I am groaning.
My heart pounds heavily, and all my strength is gone. I am no longer able to see well.
My friends and neighbors stay away from me because of my sores; even my own family stays far from me.
Those who want to kill me set traps to catch me; those who want to harm me discuss the ways that they can get rid of me; they plot against me all day.
Now I act like a deaf man and do not listen to what they say. I act like a man who cannot talk, and I say nothing to reply to them.
I act like a man who does not answer when people talk to him because he cannot hear anything.
But Yahweh, I trust in you. My Lord God, you will answer me.
I said to you, “Do not cause me to die so that my enemies will rejoice! If troubles overwhelm me, my enemies will do very bad things to me!”
I say that because I am about to fall down, and I constantly have pain.
I confess the wrong things that I have done; I am very sorry for the sins that I have committed.
My enemies are healthy and strong; there are many people who hate me for no reason.
Those who do evil things to me in return for my doing good things to them oppose me because I try to do what is right.
Yahweh, do not abandon me! My God, do not stay far from me!
Lord, you are the one who saves me; quickly come and help me!