God's New Revelations

The Book of Psalms

Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition

- Chapter 87 -

The Lord loves the gates of Zion

For the sons of Core, a psalm of a canticle. The foundations thereof are in the holy mountains:
The Lord loveth the gates of Sion above all the tabernacles of Jacob.
Glorious things are said of thee, O city of God.
I will be mindful of Rahab and of Babylon knowing me. Behold the foreigners, and Tyre, and the people of the Ethiopians, these were there.
Shall not Sion say: This man and that man is born in her? and the Highest himself hath founded her.
The Lord shall tell in his writings of peoples and of princes, of them that have been in her.
The dwelling in thee is as it were of all rejoicing.