Gottes Neue Offenbarungen

The Song of Solomon

Unlocked Literal Bible :: World English Bible Catholic

- Kapitel 3 -

Nocturnal longing

The woman speaking to herself-At night on my bed I was longing for the one I love; I looked for him, but I could not find him.
I said to myself, “I will get up and go through the city, through the streets and squares; I will search for my beloved.” I searched for him, but I did not find him.
The watchmen found me as they were making their rounds in the city. I asked them, “Have you seen my beloved?”
It was only a little while after I had passed them that I found the one whom my soul loves. I held him and would not let him go until I had brought him into my mother’s house, into the bedroom of the one who had conceived me. The woman speaking to the other women-
I want you to swear, daughters of Jerusalem’s men, by the gazelles and the does of the fields, that you will not interrupt our lovemaking until it is over. The young woman speaking to herself-

The wedding procession

What is that coming up from the wilderness like a column of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all the powders sold by merchants?
Look, it is the bed of Solomon; sixty warriors surround it, sixty soldiers of Israel.
They are expert with the sword and are skilled in warfare. Every man has his sword at his side, armed against the terrors of the night.
King Solomon made himself a sedan chair of the wood from Lebanon.
Its posts were made of silver; the back was made of gold, and the seat of purple cloth. Its interior was decorated with love by the daughters of Jerusalem’s men. The young woman speaking to the women of Jerusalem-
Go out, daughters of Zion’s men, and gaze on King Solomon, bearing the crown with which his mother crowned him on his wedding day, on that happy day of his life.

Nocturnal longing

By night on my bed, I sought him whom my soul loves. I sought him, but I didn’t find him.
I will get up now, and go about the city; in the streets and in the squares I will seek him whom my soul loves. I sought him, but I didn’t find him.
The watchmen who go about the city found me;Have you seen him whom my soul loves?”
I had scarcely passed from them, when I found him whom my soul loves. I held him, and would not let him go, until I had brought him into my mother’s house, into the room of her who conceived me.
I adjure you, daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, or by the hinds of the field, that you not stir up nor awaken love, until it so desires.

The wedding procession

Who is this who comes up from the wilderness like pillars of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all spices of the merchant?
Behold, it is Solomon’s carriage! Sixty mighty men are around it, of the mighty men of Israel.
They all handle the sword, and are expert in war. Every man has his sword on his thigh, because of fear in the night.
King Solomon made himself a carriage of the wood of Lebanon.
He made its pillars of silver, its bottom of gold, its seat of purple, the middle of it being paved with love, from the daughters of Jerusalem.
Go out, you daughters of Zion, and see King Solomon, with the crown with which his mother has crowned him, in the day of his weddings, in the day of the gladness of his heart.