Gottes Neue Offenbarungen

The Book of Psalms

Unlocked Dynamic Bible :: World English Bible Catholic

- Kapitel 36 -

The transgression of the wicked

A continual desire to sin is in the inner beings of wicked people. They consider that they do not need to have an awesome respect for God.
Because they want to believe good things about themselves, they do not think that God knows and hates their sins.
Everything that they say is deceitful and full of lies; they no longer do what is good and are no longer wise.
While they are lying on their beds, they plan to do things to harm others; they are determined to do things that are not good, and they never refuse to do what is evil.
Yahweh, your faithful love for us reaches as high as the heavens; your faithfulness in doing what you have promised extends up to the clouds.
Your righteous behavior is as permanent as the highest mountains; your acting justly will continue as long as the deepest oceans will continue. You take care of people and you take care of animals.
God, your faithful love for us is very precious. You protect us like birds protect their baby birds under their wings.
You provide for us plenty of food from the abundant supply that you have; your great gifts flow to us like a river.
You are the one who causes everything to live; your light is what enables us to know the truth about you.
Continue to faithfully love those who are faithful to you, and protect those who act righteously.
Do not allow proud people to attack me, or allow wicked people to chase me away.
Look where evil people have fallen on the ground, defeated; they were thrown down, and they will never rise again.

The transgression of the wicked

A revelation is within my heart about the disobedience of the wicked: There is no fear of God before his eyes.
For he flatters himself in his own eyes, too much to detect and hate his sin.
The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit. He has ceased to be wise and to do good.
He plots iniquity on his bed. He sets himself in a way that is not good. He doesn’t abhor evil.
Your loving kindness, LORD, is in the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
Your righteousness is like the mountains of God. Your judgments are like a great deep. LORD, you preserve man and animal.
How precious is your loving kindness, God! The children of men take refuge under the shadow of your wings.
They shall be abundantly satisfied with the abundance of your house. You will make them drink of the river of your pleasures.
For with you is the spring of life. In your light we will see light.
Oh continue your loving kindness to those who know you, your righteousness to the upright in heart.
Don’t let the foot of pride come against me. Don’t let the hand of the wicked drive me away.
There the workers of iniquity are fallen. They are thrust down, and shall not be able to rise.