Gottes Neue Offenbarungen

The First Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians

Unlocked Dynamic Bible :: Allioli - Arndt Bibel

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- Kapitel 5 -

(Zephaniah 1:7–18; Malachi 4:1–6; 2 Peter 3:8–13)
My fellow believers, I want to tell you more about the time when the Lord Jesus will come back. Really, you do not need that I write to you about that,
because you yourselves know accurately about it already! You know that the Lord Jesus will return unexpectedly. People will not expect him, just as no one expects a thief when he comes at night.
At some time in the future many people will say, “All is peaceful and we are safe!” Then suddenly God will come to punish them severely! Just as a pregnant woman who experiences birth pains cannot stop those pains, those people will have no way to escape from God.
But you, my fellow believers, you are not like people who live in darkness, because you know the truth about God. So when Jesus returns, you will be ready for him.
You belong to the light, to the daytime. You are not like those who belong to the darkness, to the nighttime.
So we believers must be aware of what is happening. We must control ourselves and be ready for Jesus to come.
It is at night when people sleep and do not know what is happening, and it is at night when people become drunk.
But we believers belong to the day, so let us control ourselves. Let us be like soldiers: As they protect their chests with breastplates, let us protect ourselves by trusting in Messiah and loving him. As they protect their heads with helmets, let us protect ourselves by expecting Messiah to rescue us completely from evil.
When God chose us, he did not plan for us to be people whom he will punish. On the contrary, he decided to save us because we trust in what our Lord Jesus Christ has done for us.
Jesus died to atone for our sins in order that we might live together with him, whether we are alive or whether we are dead when he returns to earth.
Because you know that this is true, continue to encourage each other, as indeed you now are doing.

Christian Living

My fellow believers, we ask that you recognize as leaders those people who work hard for you. This means that you must respect these leaders as fellow believers, you see how hard they work to help you grow in faith. These leaders guide you and they teach you how to live for the Lord.
We ask that you honor them because you love them and because of the work they do. We also urge you to live peacefully with each other.
My fellow believers, we urge that you warn believers who want to live off what others give them instead of working. Also encourage believers who are fearful, and help all people who are weak in any way. We also urge you to be patient with everyone.
Make sure that none of you does evil deeds to anyone who has done evil to you. On the contrary, you must always try to do good deeds to each other and to everyone else.
Be joyful at all times,
pray continually,
and thank God in all circumstances. God wants you to behave like that because of what Messiah Jesus has done for you.
Do not keep God’s Spirit from working among you.
For example, do not despise anything that the Holy Spirit tells someone.
On the contrary, evaluate all such messages. Accept the parts that are good and obey them.
Do not obey any kind of evil message.

Final Blessings and Instructions

May God give you peace and make you without fault so that you do not sin. May he keep you from sinning in any way until our Lord Jesus Christ comes back to earth.
Because God has called you to be his people, you can certainly trust him to keep on helping you in that way.
My fellow believers, pray for me, for Silas, and for Timothy.
When you gather together as believers, greet each other affectionately, as fellow believers should.
Make certain that you read this letter to all the believers who are among you. When I tell you this, it is the same as if the Lord were speaking to you!
May our Lord Jesus Christ continue to act kindly toward you all.

Der Tag des Herrn

(Zephanja 1,7-18; Maleachi 4,1-6; 2. Petrus 3,8-13)
Über die Zeit und Stunde aber, Brüder! habt ihr nicht nötig, dass wir euch schreiben;
denn ihr selbst wisset gar wohl, dass der Tag des Herrn so wie ein Dieb in der Nacht kommen wird.
Denn wenn sie sagen: Friede und Sicherheit! dann wird plötzliches Verderben sie überfallen, wie die Wehen die Schwangere, und sie werden nicht entrinnen.
Ihr aber, Brüder! seid nicht in Finsternis, so dass euch jener Tag wie ein Dieb überrasche,
denn alle seid ihr Kinder des Lichtes und Kinder des Tages; wir gehören nicht der Nacht, noch der Finsternis an.
So lasset uns denn nicht schlafen, wie die übrigen, sondern lasset uns wachen und nüchtern sein.
Die, welche schlafen, schlafen ja des Nachts, und die, welche sich berauschen, sind des Nachts berauscht.
Wir aber, die wir dem Tage angehören, wollen nüchtern sein, angetan mit dem Panzer des Glaubens und der Liebe, und mit dem Helme der Hoffnung des Heils.
Denn Gott hat uns nicht zum Zorne bestimmt, sondern zur Erwerbung des Heiles durch unsern Herrn Jesus Christus,
der für uns gestorben ist, damit wir, mögen wir nun wachen oder schlafen, zugleich mit ihm leben.
Darum tröstet einander, und erbauet einander, wie ihr ja auch tuet.

Verschiedene Ermahnungen

Wir bitten auch aber, Brüder! dass ihr die anerkennet, welche unter euch arbeiten, und euch im Herrn vorstehen, und euch zurechtweisen,
dass ihr sie überaus hochhaltet in Liebe um ihres Werkes willen; lebet im Frieden mit ihnen!
Wir bitten euch aber, Brüder! weiset die Unruhigen zurecht, tröstet die Kleinmütigen, nehmet euch der Schwachen an, seid langmütig gegen alle.
Sehet zu, dass keiner dem andern Böses mit Bösem vergelte; sondern befleißet euch immerdar des Guten gegeneinander und gegen alle.
Freuet euch allezeit!
Betet ohne Unterlass!
Bei allem saget Dank; denn dies ist der Wille Gottes in Christus Jesus an euch alle.
Den Geist löschet nicht aus!
Weissagungen achtet nicht gering!
Alles aber prüfet; was gut ist, behaltet!
Meidet jeden Schein des Bösen!

Segen und Ermahnung

Er aber, der Gott des Friedens, heilige euch vollkommen, damit euer Geist, eure Seele und euer Leib ganz untadelhaft bewahrt werde zur Ankunft unsers Herrn Jesu Christi.
Treu ist, der euch berufen hat; er wird es auch vollbringen.
Brüder! betet für uns.
Grüßet alle Brüder mit heiligem Kusse!
Ich beschwöre euch bei dem Herrn, diesen Brief allen heiligen Brüdern vorlesen zu lassen.
Die Gnade unsers Herrn Jesu Christi sei mit euch! Amen.