Gottes Neue Offenbarungen

The First Epistle General of Peter

Unlocked Dynamic Bible :: Allioli - Arndt Bibel

- Kapitel 2 -

(Isaiah 28:14–22; 1 Corinthians 3:10–15; Ephesians 2:19–22)
Therefore, do not act maliciously in any way or deceive others. Do not be hypocrites, and do not envy others. Do not ever speak evil about anyone untruthfully.
Just as newborn babies long for their mothers’ pure milk, you should desire to learn true things from God, so that by learning it you may become like adults in trusting him. You must do this until the time when God sets you completely free from all the evil in this world.
Also, you must do this because you have experienced that the Lord acts very kindly toward you.
Come to the Lord Jesus. He is like the most important stone in the foundation of a building, but he is living, not lifeless like a stone. Many people rejected him, but God chose him and considers him to be very valuable.
And like men build houses with stones, God is joining you together like a building in which his Spirit lives. He is doing this in order that you, like the priests who offer sacrifices at the altar, might do things that please God because Jesus Christ has died for you.
What the scriptures say show us that this is true: “I am placing in Jerusalem someone who is like a very valuable stone, the most important stone in the building, and those who believe in him will never become ashamed.”
Therefore, God will honor you who believe in Jesus. But those who refuse to believe in him are like the builders that the scriptures talk about: “The stone that the builders rejected has become the most important stone in the building.”
It is also written in the scriptures: “He will be like a stone that causes people to stumble, and like a rock that people trip over. Just as people are injured when they stumble over a rock, people who disobey God’s message injure themselves; that is what God determined would happen to them.”
But you are people whom God has chosen to belong to him. You are a group that worship God like priests, and you rule with God like kings. You are a people group that belongs to God, so that you might proclaim the wonderful things he has done. He has called you from your former ways, when you were ignorant of his truth, and he has made you understand the marvelous true things about him.
What the scriptures say is true about you: “Formerly, you were no people group at all, But now you are God’s people group. At one time God had not acted mercifully toward you, But now he has acted mercifully toward you.”
You people whom I love, I urge you to think about this: You are like foreigners whose real home is in heaven. So you should not do the sinful things you used to want to do, because if you do them, you will not be able to live well with God.
Keep behaving in a good way among those who do not know God. If you do that, although they may say that you do what is evil, they will see that you are doing good things, and at the time when God comes to judge everyone, they will honor him.

Submission to Authorities

(Romans 13:1–7)
Because you wish to honor the Lord Jesus, obey everyone who has proper authority. This includes the king, because he has the greatest power.
It also includes governors, because God sends them to punish those who do what is wrong and to praise those who do what is right.
What God wants is for you to do good. If you do that, you will cause foolish people who do not know God to be unable to say that you have done wrong.
Behave as though you were free from having to obey any master, but do not think that you can do evil because of that. Instead, behave as servants of God should.
Act respectfully toward everyone. Love all your fellow believers. Honor God, and honor the king.
You slaves who are believers, submit yourselves to your masters and completely respect them. Submit yourselves not only to those who act in a good and kind way toward you, but also submit yourselves to those who act in a harsh way toward you.
You should do that because God is pleased with those who know what he wants and obey him, and who, for this reason, accept to suffer pain because their masters treat them unjustly.
God will certainly not be pleased with you if you do something that is wrong and then they beat you for that. But if you do what is good and still suffer harm, you are suffering for doing what is good. If you endure that, God will praise you.

Christ’s Example of Suffering

(Isaiah 53:1–8)
One of the reasons why God chose you is that you might suffer. When Messiah suffered for you he became an example for you, in order that you would imitate what he did.
Remember how Messiah conducted himself, He never sinned, And he never said anything to deceive people.
When people insulted him, he did not insult them in return. When people caused him to suffer, he did not threaten to get revenge. Instead, he decided to let God, who always judges justly, prove that he was innocent.
He himself endured the punishment for our sins in his body when he died on the cross, in order that we would stop sinning and start living rightly. It is because they wounded him that God has healed you.
Truly you were like sheep that had become lost, but now you have returned to Jesus, who cares for you as a shepherd cares for his sheep.
(Jesaja 28,14-22; 1. Korinther 3,10-15; Epheser 2,19-22)
Leget also ab alle Bosheit und alle Arglist, Verstellung und Neid, und alle üblen Nachreden,
und verlanget als neugeborne Kinder, nach der geistigen, lauteren Milch, um durch sie heranzuwachsen zum Heile,
wenn ihr anders gekostet habt, wie gütig der Herr ist.

Der auserwählte Stein und sein auserwähltes Volk

Zu ihm nun tretet hinzu, dem lebendigen Steine, der zwar von den Menschen verworfen, von Gott aber auserwählt und hoch in Ehren ist;
und werdet auch ihr als lebendige Steine gebaut auf ihn als ein geistiger Tempel, zu einer heiligen Priesterschaft, um geistige Opfer darzubringen, welche Gott wohlgefällig sind durch Jesus Christus.
Darum steht in der Schrift: Siehe, ich lege in Sion einen auserlesenen kostbaren Eckstein; und wer an ihn glaubt, wird nicht zu Schanden werden.
Euer also, die ihr glaubt, ist die Ehre, denen aber, die nicht glauben, ist der Stein, den die Bauleute verworfen haben, der ist zum Eckstein geworden,
und zum Stein des Anstoßes und zum Fels des Ärgernisses denen, welche Anstoß an dem Worte nehmen, und an dasselbe nicht glauben, wozu sie auch bestimmt sind.
Ihr aber seid ein auserwähltes Geschlecht, ein königliches Priestertum, ein heiliges Volk, ein Volk des Eigentums, auf dass ihr die Tugenden dessen verkündet, der euch aus der Finsternis zu seinem wunderbaren Lichte berufen hat;
euch, die ihr einst ein Nichtvolk waret, jetzt aber Gottes Volk seid; die ihr Nichtbegnadigte waret, nun aber Begnadigte seid.

Leben vor der Welt

Geliebte! ich ermahne euch, enthaltet euch als Fremdlinge und Pilger, der fleischlichen Begierden, welche wider die Seele streiten,
indem ihr einen guten Wandel unter den Heiden führt, damit sie, worin sie von euch, als wäret ihr Übeltäter, Arges reden, euch aus den guten Werken erkennen und Gott preisen am Tage der Heimsuchung.

Unterwerfung unter die Regierung

(Römer 13,1-7)
Seid daher untertan aller menschlichen Ordnung um Gottes willen, sei es dem Könige, als dem Oberherrn,
oder den Statthaltern, als solchen, welche von ihm abgeordnet sind zur Bestrafung der Übeltäter und zur Belobung derer, die Gutes tun.
denn so ist es der Wille Gottes, dass ihr durch Rechttun die Unwissenheit der unverständigen Menschen zum Schweigen bringt;
als solche, die frei sind, aber nicht als solche, welche die Freiheit zum Deckmantel der Bosheit brauchen, sondern als Diener Gottes.
Ehret alle, liebet die Brüder, fürchtet Gott, ehret den König!

Unterwerfung unter Meister

Ihr Knechte! seid untertan in aller Furcht den Herren, nicht allein den gütigen und milden, sondern auch den unleidlichen.
Denn das ist wohlgefällig, wenn jemand aus Gewissenhaftigkeit gegen Gott Widerwärtigkeiten erträgt, indem er unverschuldet leidet.
Was ist ja auch das für ein Ruhm, wenn ihr wegen Vergehungen Züchtigungen erduldet? Aber wenn ihr Gutes tuet, und dabei geduldig leidet, das ist wohlgefällig bei Gott.
(Jesaja 53,1-8)
Denn dazu seid ihr berufen, da ja auch Christus für uns gelitten und euch ein Beispiel hinterlassen hat, damit ihr in seine Fußstapfen tretet;
er, der keine Sünde getan, und in dessen Munde kein Trug gefunden ist,
der nicht wieder schalt, da er gescholten ward, nicht drohte, da er litt, sondern sich dem überließ, der ihn ungerecht verurteilte;
der unsere Sünden selbst an seinem Leibe an das Holz trug, damit wir den Sünden abgestorben, der Gerechtigkeit leben mögen, durch dessen Wunden ihr geheilt worden seid.
Denn ihr waret wie irrende Schafe; nun aber seid ihr bekehrt zu dem Hirten und Bischof eurer Seelen.